In an attempt to set the record straight as we tip-toe into the general election and the primary season winds to a close, I want to begin a series of blog posts related to the general election match-up between Barack...
2008 Presidential Election
An interesting comment by one of my fellow TPM inhabitants on the I'm Done blog by one_wilson (brilliant, by the way) led me to this thought:Was the democratic primary designed this year to go to all 50 states in advance of the...
There and Back Again
Just kidding. While I still have lingering concerns about a Hillary Clinton presidency, I am done rubbing salt in the wounds of her loyal supporters and am trying to figure out a way to diffuse the divisions instead. We have...
Another Anti-Hillary Rant
Perhaps cynic is too harsh, since many would call themselves "realists" and not cynics. I'll take that definition. The many Obama supporters who are running around TPM with doom and gloom pronouncements about Hillary's imminent succession to the democratic nomination...
A chorus of cynics who call themselves realists.
In the interests of keeping things civil, I would like to ask all of Hillary's millions of fans to remember that my opinion of her is no reflection of my opinion about you. I don't even know you. I may...
Mea Culpa
After a year and half of campaigning, I officially hate Hillary. I am neither proud of that fact nor willing to let it change my tone, but I am done giving her the benefit of the doubt. I am done...
OK. It’s Official. I hate Hillary.
For anyone who still doubts that Barack is the best guy to take on John McCain then the following clip is a must see: Barack Obama on November's Contest....
“I won’t have as much restraint with the republicans.”
By request, here is a repost of my earlier attempt: With all the manufactured hoopla and controversy over Barack's statements to supporters at a San Francisco fund-raiser, it has been my contention that the truth will win out in...