The problem with using the Government Hammer to pound down every lingering social or civic problem is that sometimes it is actually the head of a screw sticking up and requires different tools than are currently being offered by the...
Government Budgets
With the debate now raging over health care reform, mostly around the current inadequate-to-our-real-needs-but-still-super-expensive legislation that is being considered by our dysfunctional Congress, I thought I would offer a quick aside that has yet to make it into the dialogue...
children of the corn
I recently found a movie on Netflix that I had never seen before. Sean Penn narrates a devastating critique of America's war footing since the end of World War II. The film tackles one of our most detrimental myths by...
peace sells but who’s buying

I learned to love Fridays these last few months, newly appreciative of weekends after 18 months of telecommuting contract work. I had finally landed a Dream Job at a Dream Company. Life had stabilized into something more suitable for long-term...
Donner, Party of Two
A funny thing happened on the way to our Change - everything stayed the same except our new president. The same tired rhetoric from both sides of the aisle from the same tired partisan warriors in the same shrill and...
mushroom clouds and smoking guns
Some may not have thought I had it in me, but I always planned to critique Barack's performance when necessary. It's become necessary. Riding home on the Metro tonight, I read a four-page article on the mobile New York Times...
Social Security and Medicare aren’t Entitlements
That would be my first question of Henry "Hank" Paulson as he tries to railroad this country into a bad deal. Those would be quickly followed by a few others: Who's getting fired? Who's going to jail? What regulations will...
What are we getting for our 700 billion dollars?
It is clear from the Constitution that we were not meant to have an enormous, world-straddling military. That what military we did possess should used as a defense mechanism and not a tool of global dominance. The founders were quite...