The men who wrote the Constitution had a pretty straightforward plan to Provide for the Common Defense. Most new Americans viewed a standing army as a source of oppressive behavior at home and misanthropic behavior abroad, so opted for state militias and a navy...
US Military
Par for the course in Pax Americana holds that if a law is not in keeping with the current junta's notion of what is legal they simply go around it as if it didn't even exist. Or change the law...
Posse Comitatus Act(ors)
The Constitution is quite clear on matters of war. We were not meant to have an enormous, world-straddling military hegemony. What military we did possess was meant as a defense mechanism only and not a tool of global dominance. The...
An American Renaissance

Who should King Barack Hussein Obama go after when we are done gutting private health insurance companies and turning their mostly middle class employees out on to American streets?How about pharmaceutical companies or those evil government contractors? Why not the...
Long Live The King
I recently found a movie on Netflix that I had never seen before. Sean Penn narrates a devastating critique of America's war footing since the end of World War II. The film tackles one of our most detrimental myths by...
peace sells but who’s buying
I am not sure how relevant it will be, but one quote leaped out at me from last night's "debate" show. It came near the end as each outlined their plans for Iraq and how they would differ from the...
The Commanders on the Ground
It is clear from the Constitution that we were not meant to have an enormous, world-straddling military. That what military we did possess should used as a defense mechanism and not a tool of global dominance. The founders were quite...
An American Renaissance – Turning Our Military Industrial Capacity Into Entrepreneurial & ...
As we observe another Memorial Day with the lives of the American military still being wasted on imperial folly, some thoughts occurred to me about the "Commander in Chief" meme, our "projected" military capacity and our founding documents. The constitution is pretty...